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A member registered Feb 23, 2023

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  1. What do you think of the puzzles? Too difficult or too easy?
    1. I thought the puzzles were good! I had to do a lot of thinking for each one that I did that i though fit the point of the game of playing over and over to understand them that I really liked! 
  2. How did you feel about the oxygen meter? (Balanced? Too slow? Dynamic with player movement and fire?)
    1. I thought it was pretty balanced and gave enough time to figure out puzzles one by one and then put them together at the end! 
  3. How did you feel about the fire/extinguisher? Were the fires a good enough distraction to keep you on your toes?
    1. I liked the fire aspect, it made to remember to always have the fire extinguisher on hand the whole time so i didn't have to go back for it and waste time. 
  4. What did you think of the pace/length of the game?
    1. Pacing was good, I had this sense of rushing as I was doing the puzzles so that I could get them done before that round ended which was fun. I liked the concept of playing over and over within the allotted time to get the game completed in the end and learning the puzzles. 
  5. What did you think of the level design? Was it easy to keep track of the rooms given the constraint on the door charges?
    1. Level design was nice and easy to follow. I could remember where I was heading and where I wanted to go for every playthrough. 
  6. What did you like about the game
    1. Puzzles were my favorite part of the game for sure because I love puzzles in general. 
  7. What did you dislike about the game?
    1. the movement kind of threw me off when i started playing because I didn't realize I had a creative-mode like movement of moving up and down like i was floating, I just didn't expect it and took a bit to get used to.  
  8. What could be improved or added to enhance the overall gameplay?
    1.  I think there could be some way to gain a battery charge so that you could open more doors, maybe as a result of getting a correct puzzle because there are way more doors than there are battery charges. 
  9. What did you think of the overall feel/ambience of the game? Did the sounds and art mesh well? 
    1. I liked the ambience, it had this sort of Subnautica spaceship feel to it almost like its the prequel to the game. Its very fun and exciting to me :D 
  1. Did you enjoy playing the game? Why or why not?
    1. I enjoyed the game! It was graphically very nice and I really like the concept that this game has! It was a bit slow but I didn't mind, it has a very relaxing atmosphere to it. I did find issues of clipping through areas I dont think I should be able to, the boundaries didn't seem to be working at parts, such as me getting trapped underneath the bridge at one point
  2. Did you find any parts of the game confusing or unclear?
    1. I did wish there was a bit more sense of direction to help in the Collapse city segment but I knew my objective easily and what I was searching for 
  3. Were you able to find the two fragments? Was it hard or easy?
    1. I did find the fragment in the bridge level but not in the city level only because I was lost a bit on which building I should be searching in since they were all the same. 
  4.  How long did it take you to complete the game? (How long did it take you to get the two fragments possible?)
    1. It took me about 5-10ish minutes to find it in the level that I did find the fragment! 
  5. Did you interact with the baby multiple times? How did that go?
    1. I did not interact with the baby because I didn't know if that was suppose to be the statue dude in the central hub. 
  6. Did you explore the hub? Was it interesting to do so?
    1. The central hub was very cool, I like that there's small things we could interact with like the random, but very comedic, outhouse! 

1. How does the monster feel? Is it frustrating? Harmless? Suggestions for improvement?

The Monster felt okay to me. I noticed that I could easily avoid the monster when I would happen to run near it but it was not often that I would but when he spotted me it felt very game over from there cause there wasn't much option to get away from it. 

2. How easy is it to figure out the controls for your ship?  Was anything unclear? Are any of the controls frustrating to use?

I understood the controls pretty easily and they were nice to use and it was very identifiable when the controls would break. I learned that I didn't like swapping between the map and the controls that much as it became tedious and kind of got me a little motion sick swapping constantly. 

3. Does the ship feel like it needs anything? Features? Layout changes?

The features of the ship I felt was pretty well done. I could figure out what everything was, I just think we need a little further back FOV to really see more on one side of the screen.

4. Does the game feel balanced? Does it feel too simple or too difficult?

It felt a bit difficult to me, I was mostly struggling with moving around the map and trying to avoid the monster by the time i could get anywhere. I couldn't really tell when I was by salvage and never actually ended up getting many of them. 

5. How does the ship speed feel?

Speed of the ship was pretty okay, i think it was just when it came to the monster itself it was hard to get away only because its hard to navigate with the controls and map on separate panel screens. 

6. Do you feel to you all the areas without too much issues?

There was a small margin of the differences of the areas with the side map but overall I felt i was able to access it easily. 

7. Do you feel like you have enough oxygen?

No, I think I was struggling with Oxygen a lot. It goes down very fast, which does make sense with the setting, but I think there needs to be a way to gain oxygen, either passively or actively, so that you can use the door more without fear since it does go really quickly down. 

8. Misc: What did you think? Any room for improvement? What was your favorite part? Least favorite part?

My favorite part of this game was the fact that the first thing I did when I was exploring the ship was press the red button, it was very comedic to me.

My least favorite part was definitely the fact that the map and controls were on separate screens. I think that needs to be put together because it becomes very tedious and specifically when running from the monster you can't easily see where you are going because it is on different screens. It makes you slower and you can't navigate as easy as i think it was expected. On top of that you can't use the open door to navigate because of the oxygen depletion.  

I also think there could be a sound cue for the salvage or something like a radar sound so you can know if you are getting close to salvage easier and then use the window to really figure out exactly where it is. It was hard for me to find them.

Other than those I think the game is very cool, I really like the concept and first playtest! I can't wait for the second playtest to see the improvements from now till then! 

  1. How was the gameplay? Exciting? Fun? Boring?
    1. The gameplay was very fun and exciting to me. It definitely reminds me of a few games that I have played before and have had lots of fun playing as well so this is a very enjoyable experience to me. I got jumpy at a few points when I would see him in the distance or heard his quiet chatter in the game. 
  2. What did you think of the map size?
    1. The map size felt good to me, It was a big art museum but helped the game so that it could have a lot of variability for the fragment spawning. It takes a few tries to understand the layout of the map and it becomes a memory game with the tiny landmarks to help distinguish where you are.  
  3. How did you feel about visibility while playing?
    1. Visibility was good, it was the perfect on what you could and couldn't see and allowed for you to be nervous if you were about to run into the creature in the museum. 
  4. Tell us about your favorite part of the game.
    1. I liked the variability the most, i like that there were fixed positions for the fragments and allowed me to explore the map more with each try.
  5. Tell us about your least favorite part of the game.
    1. The Creature's noise scared me when I was sitting there in the silent ambience and i heard his random chatter. (I don't really have a least favorite mechanic of the game he just is scary lol)
  6. Thoughts on difficulty? How does it feel on the first run, vs after having more experience with additional runs?
    1. Difficulty felt perfect to me. You go in blind and confused in the beginning but not the worst to get away from the monster as you understand that the lights help defend yourself. After a few tries you learn the map and area out, at least for me, pretty quickly. 
  7. Feedback on any specific mechanics?
    1. I couldn't tell if what my flashlight battery was at and i didn't know if it was running out because in all my tries I never really changed them, maybe adding a flashlight charge bar as a UI element could help.
    2. I think the volume of the monster could be a bit louder, It took me a while to actually hear in when I first started playing and would just die instead without knowing he saw me or he was around. I think having a louder or more constant sound when he is around could allow the player to know where he is and if they are getting closer to him. 
(1 edit)

What do you think about the level size?

Level size was good! The thing that would throw me off is what was an obstacle and what wasn't, I think there can be a tiny bit more of a distinction between them to help. 

What do you think about the blood bar? (Too much initially, not enough received from bloodpacks? Etc?)

Blood bar was good, I like that it started off full and slowly progressed down and would go down further you used the space ability. I think the bloodpacks were good as they are because there were multiple around in each level to collect

What types of powerups would you like to see?

Possibly one that slows down the guards or the horde in the later levels so that if you get trapped you have more time to avoid them

What do you think of the movement of the horde?

The horde was very nice! Easy to spot when you are about to be caught and visually nice as well!

What other stats would you like to see besides the score and time?

Seeing the speed of the horde could be a good stat to see as you progress through the levels cause I noticed it felt like they were speeding up as you kept playing. Also seeing a stage stat could be nice so that you can see where you are and not wait till the end where you are. 

Does the score help to increase replayability of the game (different play styles)?

Yes i played multiple times just to beak my score from each previous run! 

Also want to say I enjoyed the music track! it fit very well with the theme and i liked the character designs for everyone as well! It was a visually pleasing game to play! 

1. How challenging was the game? What would make it more or less challenging?

It takes time to get used too to really make sure that you are dodging the obstacles enough while also throwing the papers at the right strength but after a bit you can kind of figure it out pretty nicely. The obstacles were a good idea to give a challenge to the game

2. What was the gameplay experience like?

I enjoyed the gameplay a lot, it was very aesthetically nice and everything fit very nicely together.  The only thing I noticed is that the obstacles would clump together quite often at points but otherwise I enjoyed it 

3. How do the user interface and controls feel?

Controls were very nice and easy to understand. User interface was also very easy to understand and the tutorial boards at the start were a nice touch to know what you were getting into in the game. 

4. What did you like about the game?

Art style was my favorite of it all. I liked the challenge of trying to get to the 25 cent section of the house. 

5. What did you dislike about the game?

I wouldn't say I disliked it more of a suggestion that The flow of the game felt the same the whole time of the game, maybe just adding a factor of it speeding up as you keep going would be a nice way to keep it fresh and add an additional challenge the longer you survive without crashing.